Search and reporting

Cashboard offers a wealth of search tools that enable you to get at your data, no matter where it is in the system.

Global search

Cashboard global search

The first way we help you is by providing a smart global search, across all of your data.

This search input box is present on most screens, and can find anything in the system...

  • Clients
  • Invoices
  • Projects
  • Time Entries
  • Estimates

All you have to do is type something, like a client name, invoice number, or time entry description and you'll be presented with a menu of the first 5 choices, as shown in the image to the right.

If you don't see what you need here, you can always hit enter and be shown a larger listing.

Advanced filtering

Cashboard advanced filtering

Cashboard also supports advanced filtering on all data, enabling you to search and report on any data in the system.

To access this, use the small triangle button next to the global search button, or navigate to Home > Reports > Advanced Filtering.

Data can be sliced in a number of ways, and all of the resulting reports can be exported to a spreadsheet compatible CSV file.

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