PayPal Integration

Cashboard allows you to accept online payments from your clients through PayPal. Your clients may pay you with either credit cards or a PayPal account.

PayPal offers many payment solutions, but Cashboard works best with a Business PayPal Account.

Obtaining a Business PayPal Account

If you don't have a PayPal account

  • Go to PayPal
  • Click Sign Up Today
  • Set up an account for Business Owners
  • Follow the instructions on the PayPal site

If you already have a Personal or Premier PayPal account

  • Go to PayPal
  • Login to your PayPal Account
  • Click the Upgrade Account link
  • Click the Upgrade Now button
  • Choose to upgrade to a Business account and follow instructions to complete the upgrade.

PayPal Business / Website Payments Pro

PayPal Website Payments Pro allows USA, UK, and Canadian customers to accept credit cards or PayPal from their customers as a form of payment. This method of integration is very robust and recommended over a standard PayPal account if possible.

Configuring WPP USA and Canada

In order to integrate WPP for USA or Canada you will have to login to PayPal and grant Cashboard 3rd party API access.

First, follow these steps on PayPal

  • Login to PayPal
  • Click the User Button, select Profile and Settings
    (shown below)
  • Click My selling tools on the left-hand menu
  • Under Selling online, find API access, and click the Update link (near the right-hand side of the screen)
  • Under Option 1 click the link labeled Grant API permission
  • On the next screen, in the API Username box, enter
  • Select all the checkboxes
  • Click Add

Now on Cashboard

  • Visit the Settings link
  • Click the Preferences / Integration tab
  • Under Payment Gateway Settings select your payment processor type
  • Enter your PayPal email address
  • Click Save

Configuring WPP UK

If you're a Website Payments Pro UK customer, you simply need to do the following on Cashboard

  • Visit the Settings link
  • Click the Preferences / Integration tab
  • Under Payment Gateway Settings select "PayPal Website Payments Pro - UK"
  • Enter your PayPal Merchant Login and Password - these are the same credentials you use to login to
  • Click Save

PayPal Website Payments Standard

Using a standard PayPal account you can accept payments from your clients for any invoice or full balance payment. This integration method will redirect your clients to PayPal's web site instead of handling everything within Cashboard.

PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN)

If you wish to have payment records added in Cashboard automatically you will need to configure PayPal IPN. If you already have IPN enabled, you're all set! No configuration changes need to be made.

If you've never enabled or configured IPN, please follow these instructions:

  • Login to your PayPal account
  • Click Profile on the My Account tab.
  • Click Instant Payment Notification Preferences in the Selling Preferences column.
  • Click Choose IPN Settings

The following screen should appear:

PayPal IPN settings

  • In the Notification URL field enter https://[your subdomain]
  • Click Receive IPN messages (Enabled)
  • Click Save

A note about Notification URL

It really doesn't matter what you enter in that field - as we specify the correct callback URL with each request we make to PayPal. They require a something be placed there to save the form, but if you're already using another IPN provider you can also leave that URL in place also.

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