Introduction to Cashboard templates

Paying Cashboard customers can modify document templates using Liquid templating.

Document templates can be modified by going to the Settings > Templates section inside Cashboard.

Liquid templates are easy to use if you're comfortable with HTML. Using simple markup you can completely change the look of your invoices, estimates, and all emails sent to your clients.

Things you can do with Estimate and Invoice templates

  • Add your logo and change colors to reflect your brand
  • Change the language to your native tongue
  • Use a template for specific customers
  • Add default terms to all of your estimates
  • Hide cash amounts

Emails sent from Cashboard can also be customized, enabling you to maintain a consistent tone with your clients.

Multiple templates

Finally, you can create multiple templates for invoices and estimates. This allows you to choose a different style for your documents, depending on the information you're sending.

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