Template variable reference

Special Template Names

Cashboard recognizes a set of default templates that are necessary to drive the application.

client Handles display of your client's address
company Handles display of your company address
css_document Holds CSS information and included by default in estimate and invoice
email_ Various emails that Cashboard sends to your clients
html_estimate Estimate document
html_invoice Invoice document
html_payment Payment receipt
html_statement_invoice Multi-invoice statement
invoice_row Handles display of your single invoice rows


These are the different variables you can access from your Liquid templates inside Cashboard.

Some of these variables are collections, which can be looped using this syntax:

{% for thing in collection %}
 ...do something with thing...
{% endfor %}`

Collections are noted here by nested list items. Assuming you'd like to access a nested item (like the company name for your account), you'd do this: {{ account.company.name }}



Accessible from any email template

  • email_address
  • address
  • address2
  • city
  • country_name
  • custom_1
  • custom_2
  • custom_3
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • name
  • state
  • telephone
  • url
  • zip


Accessible as a collection from Estimate, Invoice, Payment

  • address
  • address2
  • balance
    (This client's overall monetary balance with you. Can be a negative number.)
  • city
  • country_name
  • custom_1
  • custom_2
  • custom_3
  • name
  • outstanding_credit
    (The unapplied payment amount your client has with you. Never will be a negative number.)
  • state
  • telephone
  • url
  • zip


Accessible as a collection from Account

  • address
  • address2
  • city
  • country_name
  • custom_1
  • custom_2
  • custom_3
  • name
  • state
  • telephone
  • url
  • zip


Accessible from html_estimate, email_estimate_notice, html_payment

  • address
    (Estimate address field if filled in, or address from client)
  • agreed_to
  • agreement_text
  • client_url
  • client
  • created_on
  • discount_low
  • discount_high
  • discount_percentage
  • deposit_amount
  • deposit_paid
    (true / false)
  • deposit_required
    (true / false)
  • has_worst_case_items
    (Did you use high numbers to estimate this as well as low?)
  • intro_text
  • item_actual_low
  • item_actual_high
  • line_item_count
  • line_items
    • description
    • estimate_time
      Biggest number, either high or low - hours
    • flat_fee
    • has_flat_fee
    • has_price_per
    • has_worst_case
    • is_taxable
    • price_best
    • price_worst
    • price_per
    • title
    • time_best (for task items only)
    • time_worst (for task items only)
    • unit_label
      Hours, units, things, etc
    • quantity_low
    • quantity_high
    • quantity_estimate
      The biggest number, either high or low
    • type_str
      Task, Product, Generic
  • name
  • number
  • po_number
  • price_best
  • price_worst
  • project
    • id
    • name
    • po_number
  • requires_agreement
  • sales_tax
  • sales_tax_2
  • should_apply_discount
  • status
    (Ready to go | Needs agreement)
  • tax_cost_total_low
  • tax_cost_total_high
  • tax_cost_low
    (Low dollar amount of tax applied with 'salestax')_
  • tax_cost_high
    (High dollar amount of tax applied with 'salestax')_
  • tax_cost_2_low
    (Low dollar amount of tax applied with 'salestax_2')_
  • tax_cost_2_high
    (High dollar amount of tax applied with 'salestax_2')_
  • time_best
    (Best case estimated hours)
  • time_worst


Accessible from html_invoice, html_statement_invoice, email_invoice_notice, email_invoice_statement...

  • address
    (Invoice address field if filled in, or address from client)
  • balance
    (Amount remaining to be paid on invoice)
  • client_url
  • client
  • created_on
  • due_date
  • discount
    (Dollar amount of discount applied)
  • discount_percentage
  • early_period_in_days
  • early_discount
    (Amount of discount available)
  • has_been_paid
    (Has this invoice been paid in full?)
  • include_time_entries
    (Should we show time entries on this invoice? Controlled by details checkbox.)
  • invoice_date
  • items_ad_hoc
    (Items on an invoice that don't belong to any project)
  • items_by_project
    (Items on invoice, grouped by project they belong to)
  • item_actual
    (Amount total of all items)
  • late_fee
    (Amount of late fee charged)
  • late_percentage
  • late_period_in_days
  • line_item_count
  • line_items
    (All individual items on the invoice)
    • description
    • flat_fee
    • price_per
    • project
      (Contains associated project name if it exists)
    • quantity
    • time_entry_count
    • time_entries
    • created_on
    • minutes
    • person_name
    • description
    • title
    • total
  • notes
  • number
  • paid_on
  • payment_count
  • payments
    (Payments made on invoice)
    • amount
    • created_on
    • number
  • po_number
  • project_count
  • projects
    (Projects this invoice is for)
    • id
    • name
    • po_number
  • sales_tax
  • sales_tax_2
  • should_apply_flat_discount
  • should_apply_early_discount
    (true / false)
  • should_apply_late_fee
    (true / false)
  • tax_cost
    (Dollar amount of tax cost)
  • tax_cost_2
    (Dollar amount of tax cost 2)
  • total
    (Total of the invoice)
  • total_quantity
    (The total quantity for the entire invoice)
  • total_quantity_time
    (Total quantity of _time entries for an invoice)_


Accessible from html_payment

  • amount
  • client_url
  • client":#client
  • created_on
  • "estimate
  • invoices
    • amount
    • created_on
    • number
  • invoice_count
  • notes
  • number

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