tag:help.cashboardapp.com,2012-10-23:/discussions/questions/1239-solution-to-avoid-clients-replying-to-invoice-emailsCashboard: Discussion 2013-12-17T23:14:24Ztag:help.cashboardapp.com,2012-10-23:Comment/304040402013-12-06T15:30:51Z2013-12-06T15:30:51ZSolution to avoid clients replying to invoice emails<div><p>Chris, no that's not possible.</p>
<p>Also, your understanding of the email system is a bit off. What
happens is that everyone replies to a unique email address, then we
store those comments on your invoice and forward the email to all
interested parties.</p>
<p>Point is, you will get their responses — but they'll also
be logged by Cashboard.</p>
<p>— Seth</p></div>Seth B