Changing Font Readability

William A. Tobin's Avatar

William A. Tobin

26 Jul, 2023 03:30 PM

Hi, Seth...

I recently had an A/P unit supervisor tell me that she can't read the font on my invoice and asked me to resubmit with darker font (I'm guessing she's talking about the time/task entries). I've sent that agency other invoices with no problem, but this supervisor is being difficult. Is there a way to go into the code to darken or use bold for the task entries?

Thanks so much!

Semper Fi,

  1. 1 Posted by Bill Tobin on 26 Jul, 2023 09:52 PM

    Bill Tobin's Avatar

    More info on the problem: she's photocopying the invoice for file and/or to submit to another department, so I'm guessing the major portion of the issue is her photocopier where she needs to increase contrast and/or toner.

    That said, the font is a bit too light even for my preference, but it's at least worked since I began T&B.


  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Seth B on 27 Jul, 2023 06:51 PM

    Seth B's Avatar

    Hey Bill,

    Sorry this is still so difficult to customize to this day! I went into your css_document template, and added the following highlighted code.

    Adding the image here for future people who might have the same issue!

  3. Seth B closed this discussion on 27 Jul, 2023 06:51 PM.

  4. William A. Tobin re-opened this discussion on 28 Jul, 2023 09:01 PM

  5. 3 Posted by William A. Tobi... on 28 Jul, 2023 09:01 PM

    William A. Tobin's Avatar

    Thanks SO very much, Seth!

    You 'da Man...and you wonder why I wanna be like you when I grow up?

    (BTW, no way in this lifetime would I have been able to figure out how to
    make THAT change!!).

    Semper Fi,


    William A. Tobin

    *Forensic Engineering International*

    *2708 Little Gunstock Rd.*

    *Lake Anna, VA 23024*

    *(804) 448-3955 **voice*

    URL*: ** <>*

    Nouns: studmuffin/genius

    *SSRN Author page:

    On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 2:51 PM Seth B <[email blocked]>

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