Showing just one currency

Paulino Michelazzo's Avatar

Paulino Michelazzo

04 Apr, 2013 02:39 PM

Dear friends,

I'm evaluating the Cashboard and I have a question. Looking inside the templates files and the sytax/tags I can't find a way to create different templates with different currencies. Explaining better:

I give consultancy for people in United States, Brazil, Europe (Euro zone) and some countries in Africa. For all of these clients, I need to send an invoice in their local currency ONLY, and not showing my default currency (Brazilian Reais) converted for a different currency (the local currency).

The idea is: I make an invoice with 100 hours with a cost of 50,00/hour without conversion and the template just show 5.000 in any currency (5000 in Euros, 5000 in Dollars or 5000 in Kwanzas por example).

How can I do it?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Seth B on 04 Apr, 2013 08:41 PM

    Seth B's Avatar

    This isn't possible right now Paulino. We always invoice in YOUR currency,
    and simply show customer's currency for translation purposes.

    We do this to avoid having to deal with calculating or setting exchange
    rates on a per-invoice basis, which we'd need to do in order to display
    meaningful numbers to you on how much you've invoiced.

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